We voted out a number of the rabid ideologues that populated the NH legislature last session - the folks that caused so much amusement around the world by filing bills wishing to quote from the Magna Carta, and bills to put up warning signs at the MA/NH border. Unfortunately we didn't get rid of all of them. A lot of the usual suspects are back, and they're filing the same unsuccessful bills they've been filing for years. Arnie Alpert of the NH AFSC tells me that their organizational records show they testified against a NH RTW bill in 1979. Thats 34 years of failure - and still they are undeterred.
This was published as an op-ed in the February 8, 2013 edition of the Conway Daily Sun newspaper in NH. It is also cross posted at my blog, susanthebruce, along with more comprehensive write-ups of a variety of recent NH House committee hearings.